Sunday, 29 March 2009

Rape Tape 1 - Jan 2008 - Whitechapel, London

I decided one day to record rapefests on the taperecorder Iona got me for my birthday. Each tape is transcribed verbatim. And under the effects of different drugs.
Tape one is Ketamine.
Sarah-... the more stupid I get (giggle). I find me really funny, and you laugh at me, so I find me even more funny. And then you say something stupid and I find that hilarious and just... when someone is watching us and has got the look of... of... actually, you both need to be put in a mental home, on their faces... then, um, I act up even more. (laughter and music in the background)
(incoherent whispering). Peter- (cough)(television sounds) where did I put my cigarette...?
P- (sniff, sniff) S- What are we journeying to? ... what are we journeying to? I've got fucking scabs up my nose, and snot. P- I know-I tried to peel mine out. S- Don't!! It make- like, I did that yesterday before I went out, and I took the first bump of K I did, and, um, at Foreign, I literally thought my nose was going to explode, like, it hurt so much! Um... what shall we journey to?
P- Um... I don't know really... but not this. (singing in the background)
S- Uh, I don't know....are we recording this? I'm singing!
P- It's okay, it's fine.
S- I don't even want to listen to this anymore.
P- Me neither.
S- What shall we have on?
(sniffing and music: CocoRosie)
P- I thoug-- I thought I wanted a cigarette, but it's not what I want. Maybe I-
S- Maybe we should listen to The Velvet Underground for two seconds, just um... the ones I like...I wanted to do stuff today, well not stuff, like, just nothing. I wanted to finish my painting and I wanted to... 24, and I- I like- I set my alarm for half three, so I could go to Sainsbury's and get some things, and, but actually I set my alarm for like, half three, and not, fifteen-three um, thirty.
P- Yeah... S- And so it like... wouldn't go off.
P- Oh, I almost did that the other day, or I mean, last night. I almost set my... alarm for twelve midnight, rather than twelve noon. which is a bit silly, isn't it?
S- It's a good thing you didn't, like... have a pill or- I don't know.
P- What do you mean? S- Well good thing you woke up at like, half past one or whenever it was. P- Yeah, to three missed calls and a text.
S- from who?
P- Oh, three missed calls from work! But the text wasn't from work. But, I- I got there and Flo was apologizing to me for waking me up? She was like "Oh, I'm really sorry that, that I had to wake you up!" I was like "Are you kidding, I was, I'm the one who should be apologizing for being an hour late, on a Sunday, which is the busiest day. Funny.
S- Was it just the two of you working?
P- No, it was Shelley, Katie, Flo, and me. S- The whole time?!
P- No, Shelley left at like, two thirty, and Katie left at five thirty.
S- How in the hell do you fit, like, everyone in that thing?! There's no room though. There's room for about two people.
P- I know, it's ridicu- and even, at one point, um, what's his name? Maybe he's called David? Is there a David? Who knows... he's a manager at one of the other shops, he was there, he was in- he was making drinks as well, for himself, he was waiting for someone, so there was five of us. (Velvet Underground-Sunday Morning playing) Yeah, five of- and then Kim was there, he came back so actually it was six of us back there, we were like "We should do this every day just, everyone line up! S- Fucking hell... P- God, it was a nightmare. I hated it. Can we do a little bump of that, like, a little corner of it whilst we smoke? Bigger bump. Yeah. A line actually. S- This isn't really very even, one is really short and fat and the other one is just long, hehe... can you get- do you have a note?
P- Yeah, I'm sure I have one somewhere... S- ... Oh, there's a note up there! P- Yeah, I put it there. I think we should put this on you when you're... monged.
S- I don't get monged. P- You do mong. S- I don't.

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